Zerb to all of you, blog followers. I am in Wellington now. I got a hold of my friend's ex-boyfriend, Roger, who offered to let us stay in his apartment with him. He lives in a prime location– right next to Parliament (a.k.a. the "Bee Hive."), and the rugby stadium. Sarah and I got tickets for the game tonight. I am excited to go to a sporting event of which I know nothing about. Roger has a party to go to so he isn't coming.

On Friday night, after we got settled in and Roger came home from work, we went down to the pub he lives above and had some drinks. They were playing the Virginia Tech vs. North Carolina football game when we first got there, but then they televised rugby. I'm still having trouble figuring out what the teams are, or the rules of the game.

Earlier today we went to the Karori Sancuatry on the west side of Wellington. It was really pretty there. They have a bunch of different plants and birds that you can see.

I took a bunch of pictures of the fern fronds. These two are in the later stages of unraveling where the small leaves are the only things still rolled up.

I got carried away with the "macro" setting on my camera. Here is a flower that I don't know what kind it is. It is still too early in the spring here for there to be a lot of flowers in bloom so I took advantage of the few flower picture opportunities I was presented with.

This is Chris. He is a volunteer at the Sanctuary. He gave a presentation about the tuatara, a reptile that is unique to New Zealand. Apparently there are for kinds of reptiles–alligators and crocodiles, turtles, lizards and snakes, and tuatara. Sixty-five million years ago when the dinosaurs went extinct, the tuatara also died out on every land mass except for New Zealand. They were greatly threatened by the land mammals that were introduced by man. The first was a rat that the Maori brought with them and then other things like ferrets, brought by the European settlers, all preyed upon the tuatara. Now they are protected. We didn't actually see any, just learned about them...
What do you think?
Hi Andrew,
Lucas Stauber lives in Wellington with his wife who is from New Zealand. Your pictures are fantastic. Where do you go from here?
Andrew, what route did you take from Taupo to Wellington? If you took the coastal route, your path crossed my trip which ended up in Napier, Hastings, and Hawkes Bay where we visited fruit orchards and vineyards. By the way, how are you traveling---by orc, white steed, magic pumpkin? Certainly nothing so conventional as a rented auto!
Great macro photos...didn't know you could do that.
BTW, Was Coriolis right?
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