Saturday, October 17, 2009

I'm an uncle!

On Wednesday, October 14th at 5:29 pm, my sister, Heide, gave birth to Jack Henry Borkowski. Jack was 0 years old, 6 lbs, 4ozs, and 21 in long. He likes puppies, bunnies, sleeping, eating, pooping, and putting his hands all over his face. He aspires to crawl and eventually baby dance. What a great way to start a blog!! Heide you are a pro!

I write my first blog entry ten minutes before I leave for O'Hare airport bound for LA and then Auckland, New Zealand after that. Because New Zealand is located in "middle earth," which apparently has some kind of time warp, I will arrive two days later than I left (even thought the plane ride will take 13 hours). I'm not sure if they only have 12 hours in a day there, but I will let you all know as soon as I get there.
Because I am a hard-core druggy, I plan to take some benadryl as a sleeping aid because I am way too cool for Ambien. I was actually thinking about hitting myself over my head with a mallet and then shipping myself in a box, but I realized that I might not survive the process. I guess sleeping in a chair might work out. We'll see.

Transmission complete.

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