Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sunny Milford Sound Cruise

Hi Everyone! We had five days of sun here in Milford which makes the guests feel like it is usually this way and then when we have monsoon rains like we have had for the past two days, they get really cranky and/or sad. I took the opportunity to take a cruise on one of the a sunny days.

Even though it was sunny, it was really windy and cold.

These silly Japanese people were wearing funny looking, clear rain ponchos and I couldn't help but take a picture of them and put it in my blog. Did they realize that when there is no cloud in the sky, it pretty much means that there is a 0% chance of rain? Who knows :-P

This picture is a good example of how everything is so big in Milford Sound that your sense of depth is screwed up. Look at the size of the ferry boat in relation to that waterfall. That ferry boat is a smaller boat, but it is still dwarfed in relation to the mountain and the falls cascading down. Because it was such a dry day, the water falls were much smaller than usual.

This is the view from the bridge. The captain not only drives the gigantic boat, but also picks up the microphone and makes comments. The girl sitting next to him translates it into Japanese. The captain gets to sit in an air cushioned chair. Instead of a large ship wheel, he uses a tiny joystick that sits on the end of one of his chair arms. It was a pretty cool view from there!

Sorry for the quick post, but I need to go cook dinner for all my coworkers now. I am making either roasted garlic with french bread (or just garlic bread depending on how much garlic we have available), and Velveeta™ macaroni and cheese that my beautiful girlfriend sent me from USA.


1 comment:

Randi Larson said...

You are very lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful vistas every day, and so much sun. When will it warm up? Did you see any wildlife? How was the food on the cruise?