Sunday, October 25, 2009

Auckland Harbor

Hey All, I'm going to try a different format for my blog this time. Since I am having trouble keeping up with my traveling, I thought I might save some time and post more pictures and less words. I hope you don't mind.

So my friend, Sarah, and I decided to take a walk down to Auckland's harbor. These are some of the pictures I took along the way.

Here I am sitting on some logs and tires that make up the dock on Auckland's harbor. You can't see it from here, but I am actually about 60ft off the water. Climbing onto this spot to pose was near pants soilingly scary. Nonetheless, I was able to shield my utter fear of heights with this pose.

This is a similar pose, but with a boat behind me. You would think that I sat like this all day with hundreds of boats passing behind me, but this boat was actually just really fast.

Speaking of fast boats, this boast looks really fast. I took a picture of this boat because I thought it looked like something Batman might drive while in hot pursuit of... trying to find Robin's lost contact lens. I would like to know more about this boat. If anyone can find anything about it, please post a comment.

Along the dock, Sarah and I found a small cafe that was serving glasses of wine for $5. We tried the cabernet sauvignon which was fantastic. Sarah decided to take a picture of the wine bottle so she would remember it, but when she asked the bar tender to show her the bottle, she showed her a cabernet merlot, which Sarah took a picture of even though we knew it wasn't what we were drinking... polite tourists don't create a stir.

This picture is for my dad. I was hoping he could tell me something cool about these boats like that they are owned by the New Zealand sailing team that travels to Lake Michigan to compete against the Sheboygan yacht club.

That's all for now. Happy trails to you. Until we meet again.


cllarsonmd said...

Hi I think the sailboat is one of the Team Fly-Emirates syndicate 12 meter boats preparing for the Louis Vuitton Cup. I think they raced in a "Cajun" regatta in Sept.

Mike Moran said...

Cool Batman boat. I saw possibly the same boat in NZ and it followed me to Maui, but it appears the name and decals have changed...or they crafted another one?

jfwheat said...

I want to sail on those boats... that's awesome!